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The most influential person in my Life 

         Everyone of us has it own most influential persons in our life. We have our special persons in our life that we don't want to lose them. It may be a friend, a family member or someone that is close to us.  For me, my mother is the most influential in my life. She's my everything in this world.

      She's been there since I was born in this world. I am so much thankful because I had the best mom in the whole world. She's always at my side during my happiest moments and saddest moments in my life. She gave me everything just to satisfy my needs, nourishes me, teaches me, loves me and cares for me. Even though there are times that I feel unwanted and unimportant because I overthink too much. I am glad that God gave me a loving mother like her. She has influenced me a lot of things and made me realize that things won't stay the same, that there is no permanent in this world. She made me believe in God which is the creator of all things, she teaches me to have faith and trust in God because only God can help us. My mother is very precious and that I wanted her to stay forever. A mom like her is such a blessing in life. I won't be able to see how beautiful life is without her. My mom has a very long patience and that's what I like her. I love her recipes and the way she treated us. I am so blessed to have a mother like her.

      Thank you mom for making me feel special, loved and cared. Thank you for everything mom.   I won't ever forget all the lessons that you've thought to us. I love you so much mom!
